Healthy Boundaries

“Detaching does not mean we don’t care. It means we learn to love, care, and be involved without going crazy.” Melody Beatty; Codependent No More

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching or cool one pain, Or help one lonely person into happiness again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson

Many of us have taken to heart the above words of Emily Dickinson. Enneagram Type 2 persons are described by Sandra Maitri in The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram as wanting “to be seen as loving, generous, kind, empathic and above all, ‘there’ for others.” (page 155). As with many personality quirks that appear to be assets, when taken too far, the character trait can become toxic to both oneself and to others. Helpfulness can be manipulative and an unhealthy way of seeking pride or ego flattery.

In The Dance of Anger, Harriet Lerner states “All change requires self-focus which is not self-blame but rather the capacity to observe and change our own steps in the pattern that is bringing us pain.” Codependents are caretakers; they have said yes when they meant no; they have bent over backwards to avoid hurting people’s feelings and, in so doing, have hurt themselves; they lack a healthy sense of self-worth. One must take action in order to heal.

“People with boundary problems usually have distorted attitudes about responsibility. They feel that to hold people accountable for their feelings, choices and behaviors is mean…. To rescue people from the natural consequences of their behavior is to render them powerless.” (Boundaries, page 43 by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend)

A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins. It always deals with me, not the other person. We set boundaries to say what we will do or will not do. Only this kind of boundary is enforceable because I can control myself. I can set limits on my own exposure to other people who are behaving poorly; I can’t change them or make them behave appropriately. Yasmin Cheyenne states “Boundaries ask us to learn how to show up for people without taking ownership of all their problems.”

To develop better boundaries and heal a sense of believing I am unlovable and not enough, I find comfort in the following affirmation from page 67 of This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes:

I know that I am one with God.

I know that God in me is perfect.

I know that my real nature is spiritual.

I know that I exist in a boundless good, in a heavenly state, and in perfect being.

I know that my mind is being acted upon by pure Spirit.

Divine Intelligence guides me into peace, happiness and success, into joy, love and perfect life.


–Linda Bullock

Spiritual Bank Accounts

How would it be if we all opened a spiritual account with the Bank of Life and, realizing that we drawing on the Infinite, each day deposited enough hope and happiness and faith to more than meet any emergency that might possibly arise? The wonderful part about this is that we know Life contains all these things and it wants to give them to us. – Ernest Holmes 365 Science of Mind page 121

Once upon a time I walked into CSLT and opened a spiritual bank account. Unlike my other bank accounts, this one wasn’t about money or investments. Instead, it focused on enriching my spiritual life. I realized that my account balance was initially zero and decided to make regular deposits to build a substantial balance over time. It is an investment in myself and a way to accumulate spiritual wealth.

You might wonder how I make deposits into this spiritual bank account. Naturally, I have my own unique approach:

Tithe: I tithe 10% of my income to where I receive my spiritual guidance.

Service: I attend service each week either in person or on Zoom.

Acts of Kindness: With every act of kindness, I make a deposit. It can be helping others, volunteering, or simply smiling at someone. I know these are valuable contributions to my account.

Prayer and Meditation: Our morning meditation group is welcoming to all and a Divine part of my day. Each moment and connection, along with the daily spiritual guidance and prayer, is a deposit to my account.

Gratitude: I practice it daily. Whenever I count my blessings, my account balance grows. Gratitude is my currency. It represents the accumulation of spiritual wealth and blessings.

Forgiveness: Forgiving others–even when it is difficult–is another way I add to my account.

Acts of Love: Acts of love are like gold bars in my spiritual vault. Whether I am loving my family, friends, or even strangers, I know that love is the ultimate currency.

As the days go by, my spiritual bank account grows. My spiritual bank account affects my overall well-being. I feel richer in ways that cannot be measured. When I am faced with challenges, I withdraw from my account—drawing strength, wisdom, spiritual guidance, and love.

Life isn’t just about material wealth. Our spiritual investments matter too. I invest wisely.

I hope you consider opening your own spiritual bank account at CSLT and make these valuable deposits every day.

–Madeline Pallanes

What is a Pracitioner?

My first experience with Science of mind Practitioners was at CSL-Santa Rosa. Between services, there would be a dozen or so practitioners in a room and often times a line of people waiting for a “one minute miracle,” a chance to meet briefly with a practitioner and receive a Spiritual Mind Treatment. These brief times of prayer helped get me through some hard decisions, such as ending a relationship and eventually deciding to move to Bakersfield, CA.

At CSL-Bakersfield the practitioners would line up at the front of the room after service and offer SMT or prayer. I found this a valuable opportunity not only in stressful times to have someone know the truth of whatever condition I was in at the moment, but also to affirm Life’s good. Some of my favorite prayers were asking to affirm all is well and good and only getting better – the practitioners loved it!

What is a practitioner? Well, technically anyone who studies and practices this philosophy and teaching is a practitioner. Ernest Holmes writes, “The one who attempts to heal himself or another through recognition of the creative power of Mind and the ever availability of Good, is a mental or spiritual practitioner” (SOM 167). A licensed Religious Science Practitioner (RScP) is someone who has taken classes, completed the practitioner training program, passed a written test and an oral panel.

But beyond the training, an RScP has been called into higher service to their community, themselves, and the world. In her article, “The Consciousness that HEALs, A Practitioner’s Calling” (SOM Magazine Nov. 2004), practitioner Linda Watson says, Religious Science practitioners are loving, healing presences who dedicate their lives to demonstrating the power of spiritual realization and helping others to do so through affirmative prayer and spiritual principles.”

When I started the Practitioner Training program it was as a stepping stone to CSL Ministry, but along the way I found the joy of being of service as a practitioner. I love our form of prayer and the deep connection I feel with Spirit and those I have the opportunity to pray with. During Practitioner Training, I found the value of meeting one on one with a practitioner. A practitioner session is a time to be with a professional practitioner who “uses spiritual principles as the basis for their guidance, teaching and healing work” (Linda Watson).

I continue to meet with my practitioner monthly and it is always a great space to work out whatever is going on in my life.

“It is a practitioner’s business to uncover God in every [person]. God is not sick. God is not poor. God is not unhappy. God is never afraid God is never confused. God is never out of His place. The premise upon which all mental work is based is perfect God, perfect man, perfect being” (SOM 168). The CSLTucson practitioners welcome you to know this Truth with us: God is, I am, All is well, I am grateful, and so it is.

SOM = Science of Mind Text – Ernest Holmes

–Sharon Whealy, RScP

Showing up as a Force of Inclusive Love

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The CSL 2024 Spiritual Living Convention will be held in Charleston, SC, February 19 – 22. There had been initial concern about holding the conference in South Carolina because of the state’s restrictive voting laws affecting African Americans and laws impacting treatment of transgender individuals.

Last November a case was heard by the US Supreme Court regarding gerrymandering of South Carolina districts. The decision has not yet been reported. Justices will decide whether the legislature subordinated traditional race neutral districting principles when it moved most of the Black population from a Charleston County district.

South Carolina does not have a statewide law that expressly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, leaving LGBT people vulnerable to harassment and discrimination in the state. Several localities, universities, and private corporations in the state have adopted local ordinances and internal policies that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Despite these policies, many LGBT South Carolina residents are not protected from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity absent a statewide non-discrimination law that includes these characteristics.

Posted under the Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement (SMSE) Council on the CSL website is a portion of a response to the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade: Centers for Spiritual Living’s North Star is our Global Vision, our organizational shared values, and our Science of Mind statement of belief, all of which speak directly to liberty, equality, equity, inclusion, human rights, compassion, safety, self-determination, and spiritual living. For that reason, we are unambiguously in support of the lives of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; unambiguously in support of gender equity and equality; unambiguously in support of LGBTQ+ lives, and unambiguously in support of women being sole decision-makers about their lives, wellbeing, dignity, and choices.

A task force, including the CSL Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council (DEI) was formed to study the matter and determined that CSL would indeed hold the conference in Charleston and show up as a ‘force of inclusive love.’ They connected with the City of Charleston and received cooperation in planning an inclusive conference. The Convention’s motto is ‘Soul to Soul to Soul – Lighting the Way of Love.’

A new International African American Museum opened in 2023 in Charleston. Representatives from the museum are participating in opening Convention events. A bus will transport CSL attendees to the museum. ( CSL will emphasize that February is Black History Month. A Gullah Geechee choir from the Outer Banks will perform. A diverse group of musicians will be performing at events throughout the conference.

CSL will be supporting Trans and LGBTQ individuals. The committee partnered with the Pride Center, who will have a booth at CSL’s event. After CSL’s gathering, the Pride Center will host a Prom for transgender individuals. Pride is hoping that CSL participants will stop by their booth and leave affirmations of support for those attending the Prom.

I anticipate a lot of stories of participants’ experiences during their time in Charleston. Centers for Spiritual Living is contributing to Social Activism on a global basis. They stress that efforts are not political and do not endorse any candidates. The basis is that consciousness should lead to action; prayer should lead to movement; CSL principles should become reality.

Excerpt from Centers for Spiritual Living Global Vision:

● We envision all people, all beings, and all life as expressions of God.

● We envision a world where each and every person has enough food, a home, and a sense of belonging, a world of peace and harmony, enfranchisement and justice.

● We envision a world that works for everyone and for all of creation.

–Linda Bullock


Community Visioning

This past weekend, Reverend Rhonda led us in a community visioning. (In February, the theme for her talks will be Visioning, Visualization and Mental Equivalents.) About 20 people participated both Friday evening and Saturday morning. We gathered to see what would bubble up to be known for the highest vision for our beloved CSLT for this next year.

A wide variety of ideas and images emerged which were analyzed to discover recurring and similar themes. These are my take-aways from this process:

Community – We are a cohesive group. We are a welcoming center. We choose inclusivity and diversity. We are growing.

Fellowship – Many food and coffee references showed up. We want more opportunities to share conversation over meals, potlucks and coffee. We want a place to converge and linger after service. We enjoy each other’s company.

Expansion – We grow as individuals and as a Center. We don’t hide our light but shine it like a beacon for others to see, feel and experience. We want a place to call our own that allows for our increasing congregation.

Joy – There was much laughter in the room. We allow Spirit to express through us in delightful ways. Laughter>Joy>God.

Music – Many song titles were mentioned or alluded to, followed by brief bursts of singing. Music is important to us. We value our musicians. We realized that SOM also stands for Sound of Music.

Open to the Mystery… – The Mystery being the realm of possibilities. We don’t know exactly what the future looks like or how we will achieve it, but we remain open to all opportunities.

This was then all distilled into a theme for the year which is:

Open and expanding into the Mystery…

–Janet Salese

Visioning 2.0

It has been an incredible year of manifesting a new minister. I know of a few CSL Centers that have been searching for a new minister for a few years. I feel blessed that Rev. Rhonda is our new minister.

In March of 2023 our CSLT community got together on a Friday night and went through a co-creation process with Dr. Kathy Hern. The outcome of the evening’s work was choosing the main spiritual quality of “wholeness” as we moved forward in finding a new minister. And it made sense to me as I realized that without a minister, there was a piece of our community missing. And I also love the fact that the CSL December theme was wholeness. Everything was in alignment.

Everyone who comes to service, in-person and online is a valuable voice in our community. When we voted to accept Rev Rhonda as our minister, we asked members and non-members for their vote. It mattered. We found 100% of our community wanted Rev Rhonda to become CSLT’s new minister.

Taking advantage of our momentum, we are ready to move on to the next step, I invite you to participate in our Community Visioning for the upcoming year. It will be held on Friday, January 26th from 6:00 – 8:00pm, on Zoom and in-person at the office, 911 S. Craycroft Road and on Saturday, January 27th from 9:00am – 1:00pm in-person at the office.


Happy New Year!

After powering through the holidays. Celebrating with all sorts of foods. Then starting a new year, it feels like it is time to change something or other.

What is a reasonable change? Part of me wants to continue with uncontrolled eating and resting. But this is in direct conflict with wanting to feel healthy.

Part of me feels like wow it is time to really change things up and initiate some sort of paradigm shift change. Really shake things up and rise to the dreams that inspire fear and awe because things would be very different.

What are reasonable limitations? And what are my real authentic beliefs?

I know my life is reflecting my beliefs because that is what shows up. Change needs to align with who I am. Fortunately Science of Mind has given me unlimited resources to cope with and advance my future. Even if I experience fear, loss of focus, change my belief, lose steam, or experience cycles of old recurring ideas. I have an exceptional tool called Spiritual Mind Treatment.

With this tool alone my life can change in a way that aligns with those authentic beliefs. One understanding of the Mulitiverse that I adhere to is that Everything Everywhere is in constant eternal vibration. The Multiverse cannot ever be static.

So even when or if I feel off course. I can apply five simple steps and start a realignment.

Life is good and so it is.

–Chris Wheeler

Thanksgiving Becomes Gratitude

November and the holiday known to Americans as Thanksgiving rolls around every year. We reflect on many aspects of the history and the holiday. Eat variations of a feast. Often make statements to the effect that another year has flashed by. Then set our sights on the next holiday, Christmas. While I was preparing for this article, I checked the etymology of Thanksgiving. Then I looked at early American history and some of the stories that surround the initialization of events that led to the creation of the holiday. Interesting Site Here

The recovery communities often suggest gratitude practices to temporarily alleviate old attitudes and behaviors long enough to begin replacing them with healthier ones.

Gratitude practices can help you focus on the positive aspects of life, which can lead to a happier and healthier you. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. Gratitude can be instrumental in centering yourself and helping focus into the present. There are many ways to integrate gratitude into your life, such as:

• Keeping a Gratitude Journal: This involves writing down three things you’re grateful for each day. It helps in focusing on positive aspects and cultivates a habit of noticing things to be thankful for.

• Expressing Thanks to Others: Showing appreciation to people, whether friends, family, or strangers, can strengthen relationships and spread positivity.

• Reflecting on Positive Experiences: Taking time to recall and appreciate the good things that happened during the day helps in acknowledging and being thankful for those moments.

• Noticing Abundance: Being mindful of the abundance in your surroundings, whether it’s nature’s beauty, opportunities, or other resources, and expressing gratitude for them.

• Attending Gratitude Events like “Gratitude Rainshowers” at Tucson’s CSL: Participating in events focused on gratitude can be a communal way to celebrate and practice gratitude. The next Gratitude Rainshower is Gratitude Rainshowers

• Don’t forget the apps. If a nudge is needed now and again or you prefer the digital realm there are quite a few apps that can facilitate gratitude formulation.

• For a quick set of gratitude prompts ask chatgpt “What should I be grateful for?”

Engaging in a practice of gratitude aligns with research that shows how gratitude positively impacts mental health, relationships, and overall happiness. Integrating gratitude into daily routines can gradually cultivate a mindset centered on appreciation and positivity. Gratitude becomes really easy with a small amount of practice.

–Chris Wheeler

Got A Reverend?

Ahh, now that caught your attention.

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a pastor and a reverend? I have.

Many years ago, I attended a church and “Pastor Tom” went on vacation. While he was gone “Reverend John” filled in for Pastor Tom giving the Sunday talk. When Pastor Tom returned, I asked him, “what’s the difference between a pastor and a reverend?” Pastor Tom paused, thought for a moment, and said, “a pastor has his own church, a reverend doesn’t.” I think that was the short answer to what could be a complex answer that varies based on the religion. That settled my curiosity at the time.

Bing says “The key difference between a pastor and a reverend is the roles & scope. A pastor specifically leads a congregation and provides spiritual guidance, while a reverend is a broader title used for ordained ministers across different roles and denominations.”

Google defines reverend as, “used as a title or form of address to members of the clergy.”

As we call in our new minister, we see our new minister revealed before us as our joyful vibrant community leader. We know that they will be revealed in a way that will express Spirit and serve the highest and greatest good of all who are touched by their Presence.

You can strengthen our calling by reading the Covenant Prayer frequently.

There is only One Life! That Life is God’s Life! That Life is Perfect. That Life is my Life Now!

In knowing that I am ‘one’ with this Life that is God…I therefore know that I am ‘one’ with all of its blessed expressions, which includes the Presence of a New Minister for My beloved Spiritual Community.

Because I know that the highest Purpose of my New Minister is to express Spirit, I therefore know that my New Minister is a Revelation of Spirit as: Wholeness. I further know that my New Minister is the fulfillment of that which has been promised by God, for it is written:

Happiness and Wholeness fill my entire being with the realization of Love and Perfection.

As I stand in agreement with my beloved Community, I see my New Minister revealed before me as my joyful, vibrant community leader.

I now intend to experience my New Minister in full cooperation and agreement with my Community, knowing this Truth about myself, for …

I am inspiring and motivating the experience of wholeness and love

I am revealing the divinity and wisdom within me

I am leading in the realization of truth and love I am facilitating, supporting and expanding a diverse selection of classes

I am providing a nurturing, vibrant community welcoming all

As I now accept the highest expression of a New Minister into my life, I know that they will be revealed in a way that will express Spirit and serve the highest and greatest good of all who are touched by their Presence.

I am grateful God is gracious.

And so It is.

–Madeline Pallanes

Welcoming All

“We should not study to be alike, but rather to develop what we really are.”  Ernest Holmes, “Living the Science of Mind,” page 172.1

“When individuals with diverse viewpoints and experiences converge, they often generate a fertile ground for innovation.” Unknown

I’m currently working on costumes for HIR by Taylor Mac. Hir is a pronoun used instead of “him” or “her” to refer to a person of unspecified or nonbinary gender. Included in the cast and crew are individuals identifying as gay, transgender, queer as well as cisgender with ages ranging from teens to seventies.

The director has taken steps to make sure Live Theatre Workshop is a place where everyone feels safe to be and express themselves during rehearsals. It has been a pleasure working with them in this atmosphere of acceptance and collaboration.

I think it’s ironic that in an industry where we are creating a different reality and taking on characters that are not ourselves, that individuals feel truly comfortable being themselves. If it were only as easy to be so in the “real” world.

When Rev. Janis and I first met with the staff of Live Theatre Workshop about the possibility of holding Sunday Service there, the one thing they wanted to be assured of was that we were inclusive. Rev. Janis told them about the wedding she had recently officiated for two lovely ladies.

A new LGBTQ activity was started this month. This group will meet for coffee after service on the second Sunday of the month. Contact Maria if you are interested in joining.

The CSLT Sacred Covenant which we have been reciting as a group during Sunday service states “I am providing a nurturing, vibrant community welcoming all.” It is my vision that CSLT does provide a sense of ease for all who show up. Let us stand in agreement as a community in providing such an atmosphere.

(For those interested, HIR opens September 7 and runs through September 24. If anyone would like to join me, I will be in the audience on September 14. Contact me about possible comps. Be forewarned that while the first half of the show has many humorous moments, the second act does get heavy as the play deals with a wide variety of topics including transgender and transitioning, domestic abuse, stroke survivor, returning from war, PTSD, drug use and more.)

–Janet Salese

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