Our Classes & Programs
Our current classes and programs are currently thriving online! Contact CSLT911@gmail.com for Zoom link information. A wide range of learning opportunities are available at Center for Spiritual Living Tucson for any interested individual as well as our community.
Our recent classes include the following…
Book Studies and Reading Groups
We offer many classes to broaden and deepen spiritual knowledge and practice. Usually 3-6 weeks in length some recent classes include:
- 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life – Karen Armstrong
- Four Laws of Spiritual Prosperity – Edwene Gaines
- Exploring the Enneagram – Richard Russo & Father Rohr
- Practical Metaphysics – Eric Butterworth
- 5 Things You Cannot Change – David Richo
- The Art of Abundance – Dennis Merritt Jones
- The works of Rumi
- Bill Plotkin’s Wild Mind
Every season we select new and varied teachers to learn from. Check the online calendar, our weekly e-newsletter, as well as the Information Table on Sundays before or after the Celebration Service for topics and times, or contact the Office for details: email CSLT911@gmail.com or call 520-319-1042.
Certificated Classes
CSLT schedules Certificated Classes throughout the year for anyone who wants to learn about The Science of Mind and how to develop a regular spiritual practice. This series of classes can be used to deepen anyone’s spiritual practices and can culminate in Professional Practitioner training for those who feel a deeper calling. Also, they are all prerequisites for ministerial training.
Foundations of the Science of Mind presents a new spiritual principle each week and a spiritual practice to support that principle. The Creative Process is introduced at the beginning of the class and then flows through each week allowing the student to see and experience how these principles work in our lives.
Essential Ernest is a loving tribute to Dr. Ernest Holmes and all of the wisdom he brought to our world. The course is based upon What We Believe; each week the student examines these ideas and uncovers ways to make the power of the teaching come alive in his/her life. Each week features a meditation that takes the student progressively deeper and deeper into the light to find inner truth.
The Power of Your Word is an amazing class on the power of spiritual mind treatment, which is the name we use for affirmative prayer. Each week is a thoughtful approach to the deeper understandings of prayer: How does the nature of God and man create prayer, the impact of creative law and beliefs, what to pray for, affirmative treatment, and developing a state of continuous prayer.
Visioning is an introduction to a powerful tool by the same name. It includes the history of how visioning began in our movement with the inspiration of Dr. Michael Beckwith of Agape International, and offers experiential practice with visioning from the individual to the global scale.
Meditation is More Than You Think is a survey meditation class on meditation techniques. Discover and experience many basic meditation styles, so you can determine which ones work for your personality and lifestyle and begin to use one… or many. Topics include, and are not limited to: guided imagery light, mantras, sound, movement, breathing, and chanting.
Roots of The Science of Mind explores three of the writers and thinkers that Dr. Ernest Holmes read and studied: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Troward and Emma Curtis Hopkins.