The Trinity of the Human Experience and God by Rev. Rhoni Tretsven
The Trinity of the Human Experience and God Rev Rhoni Tretsven “You live because Life lives in you. You move because a universal Energy flows through you. You think because an infinite Intelligence thinks through you.” And so, it is and will always be. As a soul, we have come here as if by Divine appointment to be “human.” We live, breathe and have our beingness, as an energy, unconditional love, and experience all this earthly realm through being flesh and bone. A gift.
Being human, life lives within each of us. The Divine presence of creation and love. We are part of the energy having infinite creativity and intelligence. Think of yourself as a human battery. When we are plugged into the source, we are on fire! We are in alignment with not just the spiritual but the physical planes. We are alive and can often feel the pulse of activity running through us. This energy runs through ALL nature, all life.
In the Science of Mind, we do not recognize the “Trinity” as traditional Christian denominations. I would like to point out, we as metaphysicians have a deeper concept of what it really means. What we understand and practice is the Trinity of Being. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are the same but different. The Science of Mind translation would be The Thing Itself (Absolute Intelligence), the Way It Works (Absolute Law), and What It Does (manifestation).
Another way of understanding is the nature of Being. This “being” Unity. The attributes of Spirit, Mind, and Body. In this unification, we know it as Oneness. It is the triune nature of the One God that humanity has embraced. Think of it too as the “Father as Absolute, positive intelligence; the Son is the oQspring of the Father; the Holy Ghost is “the servant of the eternal spirit throughout the ages.” That which creates ALL. When I think about all the energy we encapsulate, I cannot help thinking we have so much working not only for us, but within us.
This summer I am speaking in a series of talks supported by The Wizard of Us by Jean Houston. A truly powerful book based on the Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum. Houston’s book concerns the transformations we encounter on our path of living through Joesph Campbell’s, The Hero’s Journey. Within the story of “Oz”, we find Dorothy had her own trinity of Mind, Heart, and Truth. These were her “helpers/companions” on the yellow brick road. Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion. All working together, supporting her on her path, to “the great and powerful Oz.”
The Trinity in its essence is God in action, always working for us, never against us. It is a pathway to not just a higher consciousness, but a greater yet to be. It is always operational in our lives. Please know, this Trinity of being has its foundation in love, Agape love. As we continue into our week, I am accepting for each one of us, the experience of this Trinity of being, the life that flows through us as us, and gives to us unlimited possibilities of a life, well lived. And so, it is. Amen. Namaste.
–Rev. Rhoni Tretsven