Spiritual Bank Accounts by Madeline Pallanes
How would it be if we all opened a spiritual account with the Bank of Life and, realizing that we drawing on the Infinite, each day deposited enough hope and happiness and faith to more than meet any emergency that might possibly arise? The wonderful part about this is that we know Life contains all these things and it wants to give them to us. – Ernest Holmes 365 Science of Mind page 121
Once upon a time I walked into CSLT and opened a spiritual bank account. Unlike my other bank accounts, this one wasn’t about money or investments. Instead, it focused on enriching my spiritual life. I realized that my account balance was initially zero and decided to make regular deposits to build a substantial balance over time. It is an investment in myself and a way to accumulate spiritual wealth.
You might wonder how I make deposits into this spiritual bank account. Naturally, I have my own unique approach:
Tithe: I tithe 10% of my income to where I receive my spiritual guidance.
Service: I attend service each week either in person or on Zoom.
Acts of Kindness: With every act of kindness, I make a deposit. It can be helping others, volunteering, or simply smiling at someone. I know these are valuable contributions to my account.
Prayer and Meditation: Our morning meditation group is welcoming to all and a Divine part of my day. Each moment and connection, along with the daily spiritual guidance and prayer, is a deposit to my account.
Gratitude: I practice it daily. Whenever I count my blessings, my account balance grows. Gratitude is my currency. It represents the accumulation of spiritual wealth and blessings.
Forgiveness: Forgiving others–even when it is difficult–is another way I add to my account.
Acts of Love: Acts of love are like gold bars in my spiritual vault. Whether I am loving my family, friends, or even strangers, I know that love is the ultimate currency.
As the days go by, my spiritual bank account grows. My spiritual bank account affects my overall well-being. I feel richer in ways that cannot be measured. When I am faced with challenges, I withdraw from my account—drawing strength, wisdom, spiritual guidance, and love.
Life isn’t just about material wealth. Our spiritual investments matter too. I invest wisely.
I hope you consider opening your own spiritual bank account at CSLT and make these valuable deposits every day.
–Madeline Pallanes