Infinite Possibilities by Chris Wheeler

As the New Year approaches, I find myself reflecting on the significance of this time—a period that invites introspection and renewal. It’s fascinating to recognize the myriad traditions celebrated across cultures, each offering unique rituals that highlight themes of renewal, community, and prosperity. These practices not only allow individuals to express their hopes and aspirations but also foster a sense of unity among participants as they collectively step into the new year.

Embracing Renewal

Dr. Ernest Holmes, in his metaphor of a blackboard, beautifully illustrates our ability to erase past mistakes and craft new narratives for our lives. This powerful imagery reinforces the notion that we are in charge of our own happiness and fulfillment. Whether it’s the dawn of a new year or simply the start of a new day, we have the opportunity to choose narratives filled with positive thoughts, affirming terms, and inspiring ideas.

The Power of the Present Moment

I’ve come across the idea that we can restart our day at any moment. Each moment is a chance for renewal and growth, a reminder that we are not bound by yesterday’s experiences. In his writings, Holmes expressed a hopeful vision for humanity: “I would like to suggest that mankind stands now at the very beginning, not at the ending of the human race.” (Dr. Ernest Holmes, “Letters From Other Dimensions,” 1974). This perspective invites us to see every day as a fresh start filled with infinite possibilities.

Looking Ahead

So here we are, on the brink of a new chapter. Let us embrace this moment with open hearts and minds, knowing that the best is yet to come. Together, let’s step forward into this new year with optimism and a commitment to create meaningful narratives for ourselves and our communities.

Disappointment by Linda Bullock

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

I am among those who were disappointed in the results of our recent national election. The outcome was a surprise, and I experienced sadness, anger, anxiety and frustration. My reaction was sincere, yet I know not to live in despair for too long. We are to keep moving, attend to self-care and get back to center, where we are guarded and guided by the Living Spirit.

According to Brene Brown, disappointment is unmet expectations. The more significant the expectations, the more significant the disappointment. Our expectations are often set on outcomes totally beyond our control. We come away from experiencing disappointment feeling bad. Our negativity is tinged with astonishment and surprise, and, at the same time we’re trying to think positively and urging ourselves to move on. It’s exhausting.

She cautions that there are too many people in the world today who decide to live disappointed rather than risk feeling disappointment. This can take the shape of numbing, foreboding joy, being cynical or critical, or just never really fully engaging. (Atlas of the Heart, pages 43-44 and 50)

Disappointment happens to all of us. Some writings on the subject stress the opportunity for growth and change. It takes courage to address our disappointments by facing reality and finding out about ourselves, rather than experiencing it as a wound that makes us retreat from future relationships and situations.

In his book Consolations, the poet David Whyte declares “To be disappointed is to reappraise not only reality itself but our foundational relationship to the pattern of events places and people that surround us, and which, until we were properly disappointed, we had misinterpreted and misunderstood; disappointment is the first fruitful foundation of genuine heartbreak from which we risk ourselves in a marriage, in a work, in a friendship, or with life itself.” Ouch.

I have learned that I have often had unreasonable expectations of others, particularly if I haven’t expressed my expectations. No one can read my mind. Sometimes the risk of vulnerability keeps us from stating our expectations. Shifting a desire to a preferred rather than expected outcome can soften hurt feelings. Ultimately, I want to feel compassion for the other individual by listening to their perspective and assumptions. Lower expectations mean fewer disappointments.

When it comes to expectations in our spiritual practice, Ernest Holmes affirms that we can expect to receive the Good we desire. “The structure of our whole philosophy is based on two things: the Universe as Law and Order, and the Universe as a Divine Presence. The one with which or whom we may commune; the other that we may use. I believe God is the only Presence there is, infinite, intimate and personal to each one of us; present with each one of us, and in each one of us as what we are. Our word goes out as law. This is a glorious concept, for it teaches us that at any moment we may transcend the past no matter what happened…” (The Essential Ernest Holmes, pages 174- 175)

Wishing peace and blessings to all during the holiday season.


Welcoming and Embracing Change within the CSLT Community by Rev. Rhoni Tretsven

“Behold, I make all things new.” There is nothing permanent but change and the infinite intelligence can never be caught in anything It does. (How to Use the Science of Mind, 1948)

As Dr. Holmes points out, change will always occur whether we are ready or not, it will always be a constant in human existence. In the next 6 weeks CSLT will be stepping into an experience of being a different spiritual community. After 20 plus years of being renters and wandering like nomads through the desert of temporary homes, we will be putting down roots at 3617 Camino Blanco, Tucson. We, unlike Moses, will cross over into the promised land near the cross streets of River and Craycroft. We did it everyone and thank you all for supporting this move into a very bright and growing future.

In January of this year, I was chosen as your Spiritual Leader, and I was, and I still am excited to lead us all on not just a spiritual journey but one that will have a foundation. A foundation is important to build upon, it’s not just about the potlucks, holidays, special groups, plus other experiences as a community. It is about being a “family.” It isn’t just about Sunday’s either, it’s about every day. In Religious Science Aka Science of Mind, “We believe in the unity of all life, and that the highest god and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling presence.” Part of our foundation as a spiritual family is knowing that wherever we are God is. What I hope will emerge as we gather in our new home is we will see new ways and opportunities of gathering, as in forming groups of common interest. We will have time to have special events and celebrate the holidays. There is so much more, but I know it is all Divine time.

As the week of December 16 gets closer, we will be packing and organizing our education office as we start our journey North. As I reflect on the last 11 months with all of you, my heart is filled with gratitude and great love. Who knew (except God) we would have this opportunity to expand in love as a spiritual community. I am truly grateful for the conversations Dr. Jonathan Zenz and William Summers, and I have had these last 6 mos. What has impacted me the most is the outpouring of love from the Unity community to assist us in creating this opportunity. I must be honest, Unity has “bent over backward” and done a few flips in the air to welcome us. Dr. Jonathan and I are very secure that our two communities will remain individual but come together for special occasions or work together for the common good of the property. As I see it, we are, two wings, one bird coming together as metaphysical/new thought communities. We will certainly be a beacon of light on a hill here in Tucson. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, I will be glad to talk with you. Please know, I love you all so very much and thank you for being the Possibilitarians you truly are, creating this and so much more.

~Namaste, Rev. Rhoni

Change and More Change Mariann Moery

Nature will not let us stay in one place too long. She will let us stay just long enough to gather the experience necessary to the unfolding and advancement of the soul…. When the change comes, we should welcome it with a smile on the lips and song in the heart. Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, 385.1.

In six weeks we will be moved into a new home with a new schedule – Sunday Service will be at 11 a.m. We will have office space, classrooms, and fellowship opportunities while celebrating CSLT in the sanctuary space at the Unity of Tucson campus.

A lot of change officially happening NOW! Oh my! We’ve talked about a one site home and though this one looks a little different than what we may have imagined in the past, it is a place for us to gather, to cocreate our spiritual lives with time and space to explore and be together.

AND to grow.

Live Theatre Workshop has been a welcoming space, and it has been good. Now we are looking to grow, both by returning to some missed rituals & events, and leaning in to new, exciting and yes challenging options as we become the next best CSLT.

All the good we have known and something better, as we include in our Spiritual Mind Treatments. Or …

I must let my thoughts encompass more and more of what I want and at the same time become more of what I really am. Ernest Holmes, A New Design for Living, p.155

It will take some adjusting, some changes, and as with all moves some things will work perfectly, some will take a bit of re-framing. But it will become what we as the community of CSLT create together.

It truly is up to us as a community and also to each of us as an individual within that community.

It will be interesting to watch what Energy blossoms. And as summed up by that wise man Bilbo Baggins: “the road goes ever on and on”. J R R Tolkien, Fellowship of the Ring.

–In Peace, Mariann

And Now . . . . by Sharon Whealy, RScP

As I write this it is days before our national election. When this is published it will be the day after, and we will be awaiting the results. Whoever wins the election, according to polls, half the country will be disappointed with the outcome. I have been doing CSL’s 100 days of peace for our national election based on Prentis Hemphill’s book, What it Takes to Heal; How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World. Hemphill presents ten “principles of embodiment” that are the inspiration for the daily prompts. From 100 Days, below are some of the thoughts and prayers:

1. Vision “We have a vision that’s deep, steep, and deeply rooted in possibility and potential so that whatever happens with our national election, we come to a deep understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human incarnation, meaning that we are resilient. We are resourceful and whatever happens, we’re going to build a kind, just, loving society, compelled by right action.” Day 1, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, Agape

2. Heal “We heal ourselves through mindfulness, intention, and a commitment to change. We can heal ourselves, our communities, and our nation, but we must first truly want to be healed. Healing takes courage. Sometimes we have to dig deep down in our hearts to find the courage to heal.” Day 52. Shahrazad Taylor, SLC-Atlanta, GA

3. Feeling and the Body “Any reflection on your feelings is a moment you can turn into gratitude. Thank rage for reminding that your feeling for justice runs deep. Thank happiness for showing how much you really like the situation you’re in. Thank anxiety for reminding you of your own tenderness and vulnerability… Ultimately, any feeling we have shows us we care and or what we care about today.” Day 43. Jericho Brown, poet.

4. Remapping Relationships (Rewiring) “The practice of rewiring is about shifting our attention. Every time we notice that which is rising up, that old story, that belief system, that judgement, that fear, we say no, and we choose to look at something else; to turn our mind to prayer, to turn to a higher idea, to turn to love, to turn to compassion. We are engaging in a practice of stopping and redirecting our thinking.” Day 44 Rev. Elisha Christopher, CSL Santa Cruz

5. Engage with the World “Breathe in peace, knowing this moment is for you. This is the moment to stretch beyond what you thought was possible and do one more thing for justice, one small action beyond all imagining to bring about the world we dream of. …This is the moment you are called to take your action. The world is calling your name and all you have to do is breathe and answer the call.” Day 65. Rev. Karen Strauss, Unitarian Universalists 6. Expanding our We “in order to form a more perfect universal union, I choose to assist and secure the blessings of life, love, beauty, wisdom, power, joy, and liberty to the posterity of all. I hereby broaden my me to we with a firm acceptance of the protection and power of the divine intelligence within all humanity, and pledge my life to the sacred honor of expanding our we.” Day 66, Rev Dr. Jay Willick, New Though Spiritual Center

7. Things fall apart (Release) Release is our mental, spiritual and emotional exhale. …To actively let go of our attachment to all of those prior experiences, everything that has happened up until now to make some space to invite something different, to invite something new, to acknowledge that something new is possible. Can you make room in consciousness for something bigger, something more joyous and wonderful than you have previously imagined possible? Day 37. Bill Marcion, Spiritual Director @ New Thought Philadelphia

8. Change is a Process “As we move into this space of possibility in our country, as we move into a space of no longer holding on to what was and embracing what can be, that change is truly possible, let us calm our nervous system and trust and know that we are safe in the midst of this change, that even if we feel unsafe, we are here for one another as community, we are here to promote possibility.” Day 48. Rev. Darrell Jones, Soul Gym Focus Ministry

9. Courage “We, my friends, have the God given courage to move through this time because we care so deeply. We care so deeply about each other, our country, and about our shared humanity. …we can together, as a collective, hold the vision of peace in our lifetime. We are made for this love. Let our loving courage lead the way.” Day 99. Shannon O’Hurley, Community Spiritual Leader, New Thought Center, Oswego, OR.

10. Love at the Center “For as long as it takes, look past others’ personality and differences and call upon ourselves to love the divine soul within them. Each of us has come to this planet to expand our consciousness of love. Ad we have the perfect opportunity to do that right now; maybe now more than ever, to practice this higher expression until it simply becomes who we are.” Day 80. Jim Blake, CEO Unity Headquarters.

— Sharon Whealy, RScP

Exciting News! from Chris Wheeler

This Sunday, we explored an incredible opportunity at the Annual Meeting—one that could truly transform our community. We have the chance to rent space on the beautiful Camino Blanco campus, which includes a sanctuary, adjoining areas, and oCice space. The best part? It’s within reach financially for us!

This move isn’t just about a new location. It’s about the future of New Thought in southern Arizona. Think about it: a dedicated home for us to expand, connect, and thrive, surrounded by others who understand and support the New Thought philosophy. It’s a space that could become our launching pad for growth, deeper connections, and a place where we can contribute even more to our community and beyond.

Where we are now has served us well—small congregations like ours excel at fostering close, caring, authentic relationships. We know each other deeply, and that’s something special. But, when we called our minister, we said we wanted more. We wanted to grow, to reach a larger community, and to spread the transformative philosophy of Religious Science. Our 2024 vision statement says it perfectly: “Open and Expanding into the Mystery…” This potential new home aligns perfectly with that vision.

But here’s the challenge we’re facing: we’ve been in “maintenance mode.” This happens when a church focuses on keeping things as they are, rather than growing and taking risks. It feels comfortable, but it keeps us stuck. If we want to break free from that, we need to make bold moves. We need to position ourselves for growth.

Rev. Robert T. Latham, in *Moving on from Church Folly Lane*, explains that staying in maintenance mode means prioritizing the status quo, avoiding risks, and limiting our vision. And sure, we feel safe that way—but are we really fulfilling our potential? I believe *we’re called to do more*.

So, why is it so important to expand the philosophy of Religious Science? For me, this hits deeply. I’ve had my share of reservations about traditional organized religion. But what makes Religious Science diCerent is its openness—it’s a philosophy that’s always evolving, always ready to embrace new truths. As Ernest Holmes said, it’s “open at the top.” It’s not about rigid doctrines; it’s about continuous growth and learning. That’s a powerful mission, and I want to see New Thought reach more people and create a larger community of likeminded souls.

So, how do we make that happen? The Camino Blanco space solves the very catch-22 we’ve been stuck in: we need more space to grow, but we need to grow to get more space. This move gives us the room to expand and the visibility to welcome new people into our community.

Imagine what we could achieve with a permanent, recognizable location. More space means more opportunities to share the life-changing teachings of Science of Mind. It means we can create new relationships, support each other’s growth, and contribute to a world that’s ready for this transformative philosophy.

This move is more than just a rental. It’s a steppingstone toward the future we’ve envisioned. A future where our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions align with the spiritual principles we hold dear, and where we grow together into a larger, more connected community.

Let’s be bold. Let’s embrace this opportunity and step into the growth we’ve been dreaming of.

Are you ready?

–Chris Wheeler

CSLT Considers Moving….

CSLT has been presented with a most intriguing possibility… of moving to a combined location offering many of the activities we don’t have now and would like to.

Currently Sunday Service is at Live Theater Workshop – which has been a most accommodating landlord for us since June 2022.

But as we grow, our requirements and our dreams mean we need a space that offers CSLT and our larger community options for …

Sanctuary space and office in one location A more central location..

More people attending & participating

Social and fellowship whenever we gather (Potlucks!)

Special events and holiday observance on other than Sundays

On-site storage with less set-up and take away for

Altared States

Our musicians

Greeters and the welcome area, bookstore, etc.

Seating without stairs for easier access

Better technology allowing us to share online easier & better

Now we have the possibility of achieving these and more:

Rev. Rhoni, our Practitioners, the Board and Michael Zimmerman as Music Director have been in conversation with Rev. Dr. Jonathan and the Board at Unity regarding CSLT using their Sanctuary on Sunday and having a separate office and storage space on the 18-acre campus located at River & Camino Blanco.

CSLT renting space there would include a one address home with:

Sanctuary for service at 11 a.m. Sunday morning

Harmony hall for social and fellowship

An office & space separate from the Unity building.

Our musicians could plug-in and play

Technology that truly supports our needs Seating for 175 on one level (no stairs and a center aisle)

Potlucks and other socials in Harmony Hall next to the Sanctuary

Special events not restricted to Sunday morning: Endings/Beginnings, etc.

Classrooms with built-in technology

The labyrinth

A more central location

Storage near that would facilitate Altared States set-ups much more easily

Space nearby that would hold and display CSLT materials

There would be a new sign at the Camino Blanco entry with equal space for both communities.

Moving our Service to 11 a.m. is a large request of our community. Unity would be moving their Service earlier to 9:00 or 9:30 to provide that time for us. It will allow for a 30-minute break for shared fellowship and our Meditation.

To accomplish this major change we would need to sell the office space at 911 S Craycroft. Being released from our current mortgage and the monthly payment to LTW would essentially leave our monthly expenses unchanged but with a much larger center for our community.

Rev. Rhoni and the Board will have Q&A time available after Service at LTW on Sundays 10/20, 10/27 & 11/3. A special Zoom Room will be made available for those unable to attend at LTW. If you are unable to attend those sessions, please email your questions to Rev. Rhoni at Be sure to include your best contact information.

We would have a true Sanctuary with space to grow and celebrate all the aspects of being a community. We have grown over the last few months, this location and all it offers could provide the full-on facilities and options we need to thrive.

This possibility was discussed at length during CSLT’s Annual Meeting. It was received very positively by the members in attendance with one dissenting. We look forward to enlarging this conversation to the entire community.

On 10/20/24 there will be a combined meeting of the CSLT leadership and Unity’s Board. Rev. Jonathan received a large supporting response when he described the possibility at their Service on 10/13.

If we proceed with this there will be a special meeting on 11/10/24 to vote on the approval to sell the 911 S Craycroft space. As always, only Members will have true votes, though all will have a chance to share their opinion.

Rev. Rhoni and the Board look forward to hearing from our members and larger community in respect to this possibility.

The Leaves of Change By Rev. Rhoni Tretsven

I recently had the opportunity to enjoy a weekend off, so Charles and I elected to go camping along the Delores River in Cortez, Colorado. A beautiful spot, Priest Gulch, where you can pitch a tent or an RV by the flowing water’s edge literally. Our motivation was to be witnesses to the leaves changing on the aspen trees, littered along the highways and the river. I, being the “morning person” greeted the brisk air, with a cup of camping coffee, and a blanket placed by the river’s edge for my morning spiritual practice, meditation. I settled in and allowed my body to breathe in the beauty and breathe out and let go all “baggage” of my previous week. After 20 minutes, I opened my eyes. I was met with bursts of golden yellow and red-brown hues of the leaves adorning each aspen tree. Nature all dressed up basking in the glow of the morning sun, as it slowly began to rise, taking its place in the sky.

What stood out for me in that moment was how easy it was for a tree to shift from being green, to a kaleidoscope of color. A simple aspen tree stands upright with green leaves most of the year, then it slowly begins to shift into yellow, red, and then brown foliage. Eventually, it will drop all its adornments and remain quiet through the winter months. Then, spring will awaken this sleeping vessel, and green leaves will again be part of its growing process. As I pondered this evolution, I questioned, “Why is it humans have such a difficult time, shifting or embracing change?” “Why do we resist, when we could easily go with the flow?” The trees obviously have no resistance to it, in fact, they accept it as it is what they do, change! For me it is always an opportunity to spiritually grow. The water nourishing my growth is those uncomfortable events I run into from time to time. But I have learned on my spiritual journey that is what they are there for, to be uncomfortable so I will grow and appreciate what I am waking up to, like the colour of the trees. A new perception and perspective having gratitude for it all.

One of the many things I enjoy about ministry is digging a little deeper when nature poses the question for me. As a metaphysician I have found what often creates curiosity, opens the heart and mind to an even greater connection with Spirit. So, what is it about trees so easily changing, or as I said, shifting effortlessly, a simple metamorphosis as it is? What I came up with was this; Trees have a profound symbolism within our human culture. They represent the many “branches” of our lives and represent wholeness in the human universe. Their branches in a continual flowing sun salutation while remaining forever grounded in the Earth Mother representing balance between the material (earth) and the spiritual (sky). In our witnessing the evolution of leaves changing colour, we are invited to the awareness of a rebirth for each season, proof that the Spirit continues to live and breathe and have its beingness, in and through all things. Trees to some are connection. We often use figurative language describing our “roots” and branches in family ancestry that although appear separate, we are still all part 2 of the One. Spiritually, trees represent both eternal life and Divine energy. Standing tall or small they are limitless even though they appear limited being in one place, they self-perpetuate. They come from a seed, and in their lifetime another seed will emerge from that same tree and be blown in the wind, only to land in the soft terra firma to begin again. It is within this process we understand the Divine energy of our ancestors. Often as travelers entrusting safety and health to a tree spirit/guardian to guide their way as they walked forward into the unknown territory of both mind and matter.

The trees that beautiful morning gave me a gift. They were a demonstration of placing my trust in the Spirit and allowing my life to unfold as it will. I accept I will always be invited to be the observer or participant as change happens naturally. However, I understand as I have a choice; I can remain rooted right where I am, or I can go with the flow and allow the breeze of life to carry me to my next greater yet to be. Infinite possibilities? I believe so, and so it is…

-Namaste, Rev, Rhoni Tretsven

Healthy Boundaries by Linda Bullock

“Detaching does not mean we don’t care. It means we learn to love, care, and be involved without going crazy.” Melody Beatty; Codependent No More

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching or cool one pain, Or help one lonely person into happiness again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson

Many of us have taken to heart the above words of Emily Dickinson. Enneagram Type 2 persons are described by Sandra Maitri in The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram as wanting “to be seen as loving, generous, kind, empathic and above all, ‘there’ for others.” (page 155). As with many personality quirks that appear to be assets, when taken too far, the character trait can become toxic to both oneself and to others. Helpfulness can be manipulative and an unhealthy way of seeking pride or ego flattery.

In The Dance of Anger, Harriet Lerner states “All change requires self-focus which is not self-blame but rather the capacity to observe and change our own steps in the pattern that is bringing us pain.” Codependents are caretakers; they have said yes when they meant no; they have bent over backwards to avoid hurting people’s feelings and, in so doing, have hurt themselves; they lack a healthy sense of self-worth. One must take action in order to heal.

“People with boundary problems usually have distorted attitudes about responsibility. They feel that to hold people accountable for their feelings, choices and behaviors is mean…. To rescue people from the natural consequences of their behavior is to render them powerless.” (Boundaries, page 43 by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend)

A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins. It always deals with me, not the other person. We set boundaries to say what we will do or will not do. Only this kind of boundary is enforceable because I can control myself. I can set limits on my own exposure to other people who are behaving poorly; I can’t change them or make them behave appropriately. Yasmin Cheyenne states “Boundaries ask us to learn how to show up for people without taking ownership of all their problems.”

To develop better boundaries and heal a sense of believing I am unlovable and not enough, I find comfort in the following affirmation from page 67 of This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes:

I know that I am one with God.

I know that God in me is perfect.

I know that my real nature is spiritual.

I know that I exist in a boundless good, in a heavenly state, and in perfect being.

I know that my mind is being acted upon by pure Spirit.

Divine Intelligence guides me into peace, happiness and success, into joy, love and perfect life.


–Linda Bullock


I attended “Lunch Bunch” last Sunday. One of the conversations started with “Googling” something and moved to AI. At some point that is not always predictable to me. I am compelled to defend “AI” really the Large Language Model (LLM ) as a practical technology even with its occasional flawed results. Which includes citing the training models and humans’ inability to comprehend how exponential events suddenly move in incomprehensible ways. We do not deal well with the unexpected.

There I go again, getting excited. Once again time to step aside and let the conversation take its course.

Again for me some of the principles of SOM arrive front and center. OK so I’ve read a couple of books about this revolution both upbeat and apocalyptical. The book Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World by Mo Gawdat was one such book. Of all the ideas I have been exposed to so far this statement about the AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) really gave me pause for reflection.

“Instead of containing them or enslaving them, we should be aiming higher: we should aim not to need to contain them at all. The best way to raise wonderful children is to be a wonderful parent.” ― Mo Gawdat

The end of that quote “The best way to raise wonderful children is to be a wonderful parent.” I really love that approach. Will it work with AGI I really hope that will be the case. Either way, applying spiritual values in my life like being a good parent, good employee, husband — this is a good reminder.

I have recently revisited the Silver Rule because it makes a bit more practical sense to me. The Silver Rule is an ethical principle that advises individuals to avoid treating others in ways they themselves would not want to be treated. It is essentially an inverse form of the Golden Rule, which states, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” In other words don’t hurt people. This sentiment has been repeated throughout history. I kind of like this one…

Confucius (551-479 B.C.), a Chinese philosopher, also taught the silver rule. Tuan-mu Tz’u inquired of him: “Is there one word that will keep us on the path to the end of our days?”

The teacher replied: “Yes. Reciprocity! What you do not wish yourself, do not unto others”

Another interesting idea I discovered while investigating Mo Gawdat was a movement he calls “One Billion Happy

Mo Gawdat says three things in the video:

1) Happiness is Your priority

2) Invest in Your Happiness

3) Share It

Thoughts are things. It feels pretty bold to state Happiness is a decision. My truth is I may not like results or circumstances. Personal happiness is a decision; sometimes not an easy one but it is possible.

Practices To Apply Science Of Mind Principles from our webpage.

I ~ Other Methods To Further Embody Science Of Mind Principles The purpose of these practices is to embody our spiritual principles. This embodiment is a natural and spontaneous response to life, which is in alignment with Science of Mind Principles.

There are many methods to practice and apply the Spiritual Principles in everyday life. Ongoing proficiency and expansion of spiritual practices nurtures the application and embodiment of our Spiritual Principles. Exploring additional methods to deepen our understanding and practice that are in alignment with our Spiritual Principles, is valued and encouraged.

Live, learn and grow in Spirit.

–Chris Wheeler

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