Showing up as a Force of Inclusive Love

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The CSL 2024 Spiritual Living Convention will be held in Charleston, SC, February 19 – 22. There had been initial concern about holding the conference in South Carolina because of the state’s restrictive voting laws affecting African Americans and laws impacting treatment of transgender individuals.

Last November a case was heard by the US Supreme Court regarding gerrymandering of South Carolina districts. The decision has not yet been reported. Justices will decide whether the legislature subordinated traditional race neutral districting principles when it moved most of the Black population from a Charleston County district.

South Carolina does not have a statewide law that expressly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, leaving LGBT people vulnerable to harassment and discrimination in the state. Several localities, universities, and private corporations in the state have adopted local ordinances and internal policies that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Despite these policies, many LGBT South Carolina residents are not protected from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity absent a statewide non-discrimination law that includes these characteristics.

Posted under the Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement (SMSE) Council on the CSL website is a portion of a response to the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade: Centers for Spiritual Living’s North Star is our Global Vision, our organizational shared values, and our Science of Mind statement of belief, all of which speak directly to liberty, equality, equity, inclusion, human rights, compassion, safety, self-determination, and spiritual living. For that reason, we are unambiguously in support of the lives of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; unambiguously in support of gender equity and equality; unambiguously in support of LGBTQ+ lives, and unambiguously in support of women being sole decision-makers about their lives, wellbeing, dignity, and choices.

A task force, including the CSL Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council (DEI) was formed to study the matter and determined that CSL would indeed hold the conference in Charleston and show up as a ‘force of inclusive love.’ They connected with the City of Charleston and received cooperation in planning an inclusive conference. The Convention’s motto is ‘Soul to Soul to Soul – Lighting the Way of Love.’

A new International African American Museum opened in 2023 in Charleston. Representatives from the museum are participating in opening Convention events. A bus will transport CSL attendees to the museum. ( CSL will emphasize that February is Black History Month. A Gullah Geechee choir from the Outer Banks will perform. A diverse group of musicians will be performing at events throughout the conference.

CSL will be supporting Trans and LGBTQ individuals. The committee partnered with the Pride Center, who will have a booth at CSL’s event. After CSL’s gathering, the Pride Center will host a Prom for transgender individuals. Pride is hoping that CSL participants will stop by their booth and leave affirmations of support for those attending the Prom.

I anticipate a lot of stories of participants’ experiences during their time in Charleston. Centers for Spiritual Living is contributing to Social Activism on a global basis. They stress that efforts are not political and do not endorse any candidates. The basis is that consciousness should lead to action; prayer should lead to movement; CSL principles should become reality.

Excerpt from Centers for Spiritual Living Global Vision:

● We envision all people, all beings, and all life as expressions of God.

● We envision a world where each and every person has enough food, a home, and a sense of belonging, a world of peace and harmony, enfranchisement and justice.

● We envision a world that works for everyone and for all of creation.

–Linda Bullock


Community Visioning

This past weekend, Reverend Rhonda led us in a community visioning. (In February, the theme for her talks will be Visioning, Visualization and Mental Equivalents.) About 20 people participated both Friday evening and Saturday morning. We gathered to see what would bubble up to be known for the highest vision for our beloved CSLT for this next year.

A wide variety of ideas and images emerged which were analyzed to discover recurring and similar themes. These are my take-aways from this process:

Community – We are a cohesive group. We are a welcoming center. We choose inclusivity and diversity. We are growing.

Fellowship – Many food and coffee references showed up. We want more opportunities to share conversation over meals, potlucks and coffee. We want a place to converge and linger after service. We enjoy each other’s company.

Expansion – We grow as individuals and as a Center. We don’t hide our light but shine it like a beacon for others to see, feel and experience. We want a place to call our own that allows for our increasing congregation.

Joy – There was much laughter in the room. We allow Spirit to express through us in delightful ways. Laughter>Joy>God.

Music – Many song titles were mentioned or alluded to, followed by brief bursts of singing. Music is important to us. We value our musicians. We realized that SOM also stands for Sound of Music.

Open to the Mystery… – The Mystery being the realm of possibilities. We don’t know exactly what the future looks like or how we will achieve it, but we remain open to all opportunities.

This was then all distilled into a theme for the year which is:

Open and expanding into the Mystery…

–Janet Salese

Stone Soup – The value of a spiritual community

A very long time ago, people wandered from village to village exchanging stories of their experiences, while at the same time enjoying the hospitality. As time passed resources in the villages became scarce, and those that enjoyed a nomadic life were discouraged and told there was no food that could be shared. So, one day, a traveler wandered into a village and set up a small encampment. It was on the side of the road not too far from the village marketplace. As they unpacked, they assembled wood and leaves under a large cooking pot. Once the fire was started and the water boiling, a clean stone from their pack was unwrapped from its bindings, and carefully, yet ceremoniously dropped in the pot of hot water. Curious villagers observing the actions of the traveler, began to gravitate towards the boiling pot. As a small crowd began to gather, one by one, each person would ask what was being made in the pot. The traveler would answer, “stone soup!” It is a delicious recipe, and the traveler would be willing to share, but the soup required just a few more garnishes to improve the taste. The villagers scattered, but returned with vegetables, a soup bone, herbs, onions, potatoes, etc., the boiling pot was filled to the brim with its hearty content. After boiling a little more, the soup was ready and plentiful enough for the entire village to enjoy a meal together.

What is illustrated here in the story is not a simple stone and boiling water, but a leap of faith for the traveler to believe in the villagers. For the villagers it is the investment of trust and generosity for the stone soup to become something more than a pot of hot water and a stone.

In the beginning, the traveler knew they lived in a world that was reciprocal and abundant. However, over time they experienced the villages slowly closing, shutting out others to keep themselves safe and only to themselves. There no longer existed, sharing, or caring for one another. The travelers in their experience knew the villagers, like we often do when we experience lack or change, were hoarding their good. What I would name energy, love, ideas, etc. The villagers thinking by holding back they were abundant, when they were poorer, because their energy was stagnant, and they were no longer connecting with one another.

In the Science of Mind, we understand when we are looking through a lens of lack, it is better to clean those lenses and shift our minds from problems to possibilities. We then move mentally from the root cause of “not enough” to abundance. When we create the shift, we refocus on our gifts and possibilities, reigniting connection. Stone Soup may be a parable about the value and significance of community (a village) sharing small parts of their pantries, but it continues to express how often we deprive ourselves and everyone else of a feast when we separate ourselves from the ONE source of all that is. We can have more together than we can separately, the abundance of the soup is the result of a village bringing their resources together to feed everyone. We are each making a significant contribution no matter what amount you bring to the table. It is a feast for all.

As a spiritual community, it is important for us to break bread together. To create a sense of belonging and demonstrate a mindset of connectedness. We invite others into our conversation to share ideas and offer them a dessert of safety and support. As a Center we are in a consciousness of caring for the whole. By sharing our gifts, we will inspire others to do the same. The reward is a banquet that can nourish many, and an abundance of new friends we create new experiences with!

I leave you with these words from Ernest Holmes our Founder:

“We should give of ourselves in love and in service to others, in a spirit of generosity and good-fellowship. To refuse to give is to refuse to receive, for everything moves in circles. Real giving is the givingness of the self. A kind word, a thoughtful act, perhaps just a smile, can help lighten the burdens of others.” (Ideas for Living, 1972, pg. 55)

I look forward to being with you this Sunday and moving forward as a spiritual community.

–In love, Rev. Rhonda


There once was a group of friends who were interested in the Science of Mind and the power of positive thinking. They formed a Mastermind group and were discussing the concept of manifestation and how they could use their thoughts to attract what they wanted in life. They agreed to do an experiment and wrote down what they wanted to see could happen in a month. A month later they gathered to share their results.

The first friend said, “I won the lottery and became a millionaire.”

The second friend said, “I found my soulmate and we’re madly in love.”

The third friend said, “I traveled the world and had incredible experiences.”

The fourth friend said, “I am happy and healthy. That’s it.”

The other three friends looked at him with confusion. They asked him, “Don’t you want anything else? Don’t you have any dreams or ambitions?”

The fourth friend smiled and said, “No, I don’t. I have everything I need. I’m content with what I have and grateful. I don’t compare myself to others.”

The other three friends were speechless. They realized that they had been chasing after illusions and that they had missed the point of the Science of Mind.”

They looked at the fourth friend with admiration and curiosity. They asked him, ” How did you do it? How did you manifest happiness and health so easily?

The fourth friend said, “I didn’t do anything. I just let go and let God. I trusted the Universe and followed my intuition. I didn’t write down what I wanted. I wrote down what I am.

He showed him his paper. It read: “I AM HAPPY AND HEALTHY.” —(Story courtesy of Bing)

Q) What do you call a group of people who use their minds to create their reality?

A) Science of Mind Mastermind group.

Courtesy of CSLT is our very own Mastermind group. We are a group who meet on Zoom and share ideas, insights, goals, challenges, and feedback. Most important, we hold intentions for each other. We help each other grow and achieve success in our personal and professional lives. Let us know if you’d like to join our group, we are welcoming to all!

Q) How many mastermind group members does it take to change a light bulb?

A) None. We just affirm the light is on.

–Madeline Pallanes

Visioning 2.0

It has been an incredible year of manifesting a new minister. I know of a few CSL Centers that have been searching for a new minister for a few years. I feel blessed that Rev. Rhonda is our new minister.

In March of 2023 our CSLT community got together on a Friday night and went through a co-creation process with Dr. Kathy Hern. The outcome of the evening’s work was choosing the main spiritual quality of “wholeness” as we moved forward in finding a new minister. And it made sense to me as I realized that without a minister, there was a piece of our community missing. And I also love the fact that the CSL December theme was wholeness. Everything was in alignment.

Everyone who comes to service, in-person and online is a valuable voice in our community. When we voted to accept Rev Rhonda as our minister, we asked members and non-members for their vote. It mattered. We found 100% of our community wanted Rev Rhonda to become CSLT’s new minister.

Taking advantage of our momentum, we are ready to move on to the next step, I invite you to participate in our Community Visioning for the upcoming year. It will be held on Friday, January 26th from 6:00 – 8:00pm, on Zoom and in-person at the office, 911 S. Craycroft Road and on Saturday, January 27th from 9:00am – 1:00pm in-person at the office.


Happy New Year!

After powering through the holidays. Celebrating with all sorts of foods. Then starting a new year, it feels like it is time to change something or other.

What is a reasonable change? Part of me wants to continue with uncontrolled eating and resting. But this is in direct conflict with wanting to feel healthy.

Part of me feels like wow it is time to really change things up and initiate some sort of paradigm shift change. Really shake things up and rise to the dreams that inspire fear and awe because things would be very different.

What are reasonable limitations? And what are my real authentic beliefs?

I know my life is reflecting my beliefs because that is what shows up. Change needs to align with who I am. Fortunately Science of Mind has given me unlimited resources to cope with and advance my future. Even if I experience fear, loss of focus, change my belief, lose steam, or experience cycles of old recurring ideas. I have an exceptional tool called Spiritual Mind Treatment.

With this tool alone my life can change in a way that aligns with those authentic beliefs. One understanding of the Mulitiverse that I adhere to is that Everything Everywhere is in constant eternal vibration. The Multiverse cannot ever be static.

So even when or if I feel off course. I can apply five simple steps and start a realignment.

Life is good and so it is.

–Chris Wheeler

Next Year

It’s an odd bit of time, this week between Christmas and New Year’s. Some spend it cleaning house, some planning for next year (resolu1ons to be prepared), some just letting go of what has been a year which disappeared even faster than the one before. And so it goes.

But what if we stopped and took these precious hours to recognize that as the Stoics have it, every morning we wake up is a gift and we once again are playing on the house. Because no new day is promised it is gifted.

That, for me, can be very hard to remember as the events of the day, the headlines and the promises made all push/pull me in their different, demanding ways.

And so the only resolution I am making this year is to travel the path to that place of gratitude and trust that frees me from the self-created fraught and to simply be who I am. And so I leave you with this prayer/blessing to carry us into the New Year.

In Peace, Mariann


Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.

As the wind loves to call things to dance,
May your gravity be lightened by grace.

Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,
May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.

As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.

As silence smiles on the other side of what’s said,
May your sense of irony bring perspective.

As time remains free of all that it frames,
May your mind stay clear of all it names.

May your prayer of listening deepen enough,
To hear in the depths the laughter of God.

John O’Donohue from To Bless the Space Between


We Plan and God Laughs….

Welcome 2024 and thank you CSLT for the opportunity to serve as your Spiritual Leader. In the words of Socrates, “The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Or, a simpler statement might be, “we plan, and God laughs.”

A year ago, I had no idea walking through the doors of the LTW last March would place me on a trajectory path of becoming your new minister. What I knew at the time, is I fell in love with a spiritual community, and I hoped I would be asked back to speak. Over the course of last year while you were creating your covenant of intention, I was playing the role of a teacher in a Montessori school in Tempe. (Having left my pulpit and Center of 12 years in California, because I decided to get married.) I thought being a schoolteacher was my “new ministry” working with kids and I was okay with my new role.

However, my 5-year plan of the Montessori assignment was to be cut short after only a year, as “God was calling” again. I received two “nudges” during this last year from “the universe” to go back into ministry. It’s as if God gives me a few hints of where I should be, and I often have chosen to say, “eh, later” and push it aside.

Not the right answer, you don’t ignore the universal “I have this for you.” In my experience, the third nudge is usually a drastic change when the spiritual 2 x 4 hits me, sending me flying into my purpose.

The positive side of my flying lesson was everything began aligning for my husband Charles and I to be here near Tucson. A home we had admired for months became available for purchase, and we did. As we went through the process, I began looking at the school district to teach within a Montessori school.

However, the next nudge came in a call to action from a dear friend and colleague telling me, “Tucson is waiting for you, you need to apply for their pulpit.” After many heart-leading discussions, Charles, a retired UCC minister encouraged me to apply as the window of opportunity was closing quickly. In September, with a week left, I did.

As I filled out the spiritual leader documents to be sent to the search committee, I discovered the God presence within me was calling me to my highest good. My heart has always been in ministry, and it took a small but mighty spiritual community to be that light of “this is your purpose” leading me out of the dark hallway of “what’s next?”

It is with a grateful heart, I look forward to being your spiritual leader, teaching not just the principles of Science of Mind, but other faith traditions, and how all interact together in the great metaphysical beingness in our daily lives. Religious Science is truly a philosophy of how to live in unconditional love and be unconditional love to all we interact with.

Ernest Holmes our Founder wrote in his book, Can We Talk to God? “Of what value would a religion or philosophy be to the world which simply taught it a few laws of cause and e8ect, or how to heal a pain? This is good and wonderful, but unless it teaches how to live and how to be, unless it gives something which is a divine certainty of life and being, it is useless.” (p.11.2)

I look forward to our relationship of not just Sunday celebrations but classes, holidays, and the unknown unscripted adventures of the heart. Please know my door is always open when I am in my o]ice at Craycroft, and reachable through email if you require support for any life situation. I love you all, and thank you for all that you are, and all that you are becoming. I look forward to getting to know every one of you!

–In love and gratitude, Rev. Rhonda

Names of God

As we head into the busy holiday season, I’ve been leaning into Spirit and all its Divine aspects. Troward says God/Spirit is Life, Light, Joy, Love, Peace, Beauty, and Power. One of my favorite meditations is to repeat the phrase, “There is only one Life, that Life is God’s Life, that Life is perfect, that Life is my Life now.” I then repeat the phrase replacing Life with Light, Joy, Love, Peace, Beauty, and finally, Power. I will also insert Mind, Body, and Source; “There is only one Mind, that Mind is God’s Mind, that Mind is perfect, that Mind is my Mind now.” This chant always brings me calm and is a great reminder that I am one with Source (God is my Peace, my Source, my Power Now!).

In our recent membership class, we were asked to bring five names for God to class. Some people had two or three names; others had a long list of names they use for God. I have often heard it said that Ernest Holmes said we can call God “Potato” if that is what works for us (as God created potatoes, Spirit is there, too!). Below is the combined list of names for God our group came up with:

Every faith tradition has multiple names for God. In Islam, it is a practice to meditate and recite the 99 names of God. Several years ago, Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen compiled 99 names for God out of the Science of Mind text.

This holiday season, and into the new year, I invite you into the practice of meditating on the names of God. Pick one that resonates with you and sit with it for a while; recognizing you are that. Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year.

–Sharon Whealy, RScP

Additional Thoughts on a New Minister

I’ll be honest. When our previous minister announced to the Board of Trustees that she was retiring, I was shocked and disappointed. Reverend Janis was the first person I encountered when I showed up over 10 years ago at the Gregory School looking for the meditation meeting. She was a practitioner then and obviously a leader in the congregation.

My negative reaction came from fear of what would happen to CSL Tucson and the pain of losing a caring, intelligent minister, whom I liked. Of course, I didn’t stay in fear and sense of lack. I calmed down, remembered I am at choice and accessed my faith. Ernest Holmes states, “We know that thought is constantly changing, forever taking on new ways of expression. It cannot possibly remain permanent. It has to change. Can we not, accordingly, change it to a better state instead of to a worse?” (Science Of Mind 216.3)

I have enjoyed and benefited from our visiting speakers in the last few months. Yet something has been missing. Last December I was attending a Christmas chorale with a friend and ran into Reverend Janis. It was a comfortable feeling to introduce Reverend Janis to my friend as “my minister.”

I lived part-time in Lake Havasu City for 5 years from 2014 -2018. I had become ‘Grammy’ and was blessed to experience the joy of spending time with my grandson. I attended CSL there regularly. There was no permanent minister and available classes were rare. The population of Lake Havasu City swells substantially in the winter months and declines in the hot summer. Visiting ministers from Las Vegas and the Phoenix area were Sunday speakers much of the time. One Sunday, Reverend Janis was the visiting minister, and I was thrilled to see her. From time to time, especially in the summer months, a local lay member would talk. This had mixed results. One Sunday a local was speaking and, in my judgment, his talk was self-centered rambling and offensive in a couple of comments. I spoke to two Board members to express my concern. A handful of people who attended regularly walked out early in the talk. Unfortunately, one of them wrote to the local newspaper’s Orchids and Onions column, complaining about the speaker and by connection the Center. Awkward.

A Position Description for CSL Tucson states, “The Senior Minister is the spiritual leader, ecclesiastical head, and administrative executive officer of the church. S/he is responsible for expressing the vision of the church through its ministry and through teaching and embodying the principles of Science of Mind as expressed by Ernest Holmes…” Specific responsibilities are described.

Your Board of Trustees and Minister Selection Committee strongly recommend that members vote on Sunday, December 17, to affirm Reverend Rhonda Tretsven as our new minister/spiritual leader. She has experience and qualifications too numerous to mention here. In interviews we found her to be sensitive to the needs of our community, capable of wise leadership of a congregation, authentic in presence, strong, yet charismatic. She is also a musician who sings, plays the guitar and other instruments.

I envision Reverend Rhonda as both coach and cheerleader for our community. I look forward to getting to know her and her getting to know us. There is potential for intimate connection, trust, and respect in our interactions. We all experience challenging life events and would benefit from the compassion Reverend Rhonda demonstrates. Her previous talks are available to watch online through links in our newsletter. I believe that Spirit delivered the perfect candidate for our new Minister. I encourage all members to vote in favor of this next adventure for our Center.

–Linda Bullock

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