A Personal Manifesto
In week one of our class, Your Authentic and Innate Goodness, we talked about having a personal credo or manifesto, a personal promise to live to our highest ideal of how we would like to show up in the world. In his book, Ordinary Goodness, Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen writes that “The pledge describes such a high vision that it makes me wonder if I will ever be able to live that way. But that is precisely what a vision is supposed to do: take us beyond what we already know we can do, stretch us into an idea that we have faith exists despite there being no evidence of it, yet.”
Our homework week one was to write a personal declaration, or manifesto that would draw us into the next greater expression of ourselves. In week two of our class, each of the class members expressed a desire to continue working on the project, each of them embracing this challenge to express their values and ideals in a way that would take them beyond what they already know about themselves. This past weekend, I celebrated my 63rd birthday and thought this was a beautiful way to draw myself into this next year. Here is my pledge to myself:
I pledge to love myself unconditionally and to share that unconditional love with every being I meet.
I pledge to release all anxiety and fear about money; knowing I am one with the infinite abundance the Universe has to share. I know it is God’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom and it is my good pleasure to receive it.
I pledge to look for the good in every situation, especially when conditions are showing up as Truth.
I pledge to stop asking, “what is mine to do” and take action doing what is calling me, what is right in front of me to do so that I may better be in service to others, my community and the world.
I pledge to declutter my physical, mental, and spiritual space by releasing those things, ideas, and beliefs that no longer serve me so that I may move into a new experience of wholeness and freedom.
I pledge to honor my physical body by shifting by diet to better support my health, by incorporating movement and exercise that supports strength and flexibility, and by listening to and honoring the messages my body sends me.
I pledge to be awed by at least one thing every day; to notice something that is miraculous, inspiring, and amazing; something that reminds me of the infinite wonder of Life, of Spirit.
When I notice myself falling short of these ideals, I pledge to promptly congratulate myself for noticing and forgive myself for slipping and gently move back into alignment with my truth.
I pledge to embrace this year, to stand in my personal power and be in flow with transformation; to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of my previous self, boundless and unlimited, flying to unimagined heights, being a light in the world.
I invite you to create your own personal manifesto as a guide for living up to your highest ideals. It can be short and simple, or long and eloquent like David Ault’s A New Pledge of Allegiance – however you create it, know that it is perfectly perfect for you.
Use this link to hear Rev. Ault’s Personal Pledge
–Sharon Whealy, RScP