Soul Work, Leading and Loving the Power Within
How many of us are conscious of the fact we are a soul, that is in a body, having a human experience we call life? We probably don’t think about it much, because we have so much other stuff to be concerned with. But for the moment, let us think about it. The soul has a great responsibility, or some would call an agreement here on this earthly plane. It is all about learning whatever it is we have come here to know, and then when we have learned or feel complete, we leave again and enter a space of rest, and maybe we decide because we had such a good time we return and open our soul to another earthly experience.
I tend to lean into teaching our philosophy and faith, the Science of Mind, through the lens of the soul. Yes, this is indeed deeper work, but I believe we can all benefit from it. I will learn with you. Together we share ideas as well as questions we may have but sometimes always don’t have the courage to ask. As your Spiritual Leader, I encourage you to please ask! I have spent much of my spiritual journey in the soul study. I find it to be both fascinating and intriguing how the soul usually knows what to do to heal itself, the challenge is to silence the mind, to listen.
What we understand working with the soul is our minds are part of our experience and we learn they are extremely powerful. The mind is something we study in the metaphysical/spiritual world. We learn through the mind we can demonstrate/manifest what our desired outcome is. Our mind creates daily how we feel about our experience of life. As Ernest Holmes often said, “Change your thinking, change your life.”
I want to open this portal for us to share the questions we may have about life. One of the many things I have learned on this journey is the meaning of life, is basically the meaning you give it. No one else has that answer but you. You are a soul, having a human experience, and what an experience it has been for all of us. Life and the way you are living it is truly all about you and your personal relation with the God of your understanding. As a soul, there is no beginning or end. Your body is the only finite thing about you. The soul is infinite/eternal and continues. Ernest Holmes taught that we are never born, and we never die, because the soul is infinite. For those struggling with end-of-life issues, I hope you find comfort in this. We simply step out of this life and into the next consciousness.
So, it is our “job” as both human and soul, to allow ourselves to listen to that still small voice. Jesus the Christ said, “Be still and know.” Know what, you ask? Everything that your Divine Self is calling you to create. Yes, you. You are creating a life but along this great adventure be mindful of your gift of you. YOU bring everything. Everything about you contributes to something that creates a difference in the world. Pablo Picasso said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
I can remember a colleague once told me that same thing, a little differently. “My gift is not to keep, but share.” So, my gift to you is the desire and love I feel to share our discovery of our divinity. The part of us that is truly loving as our higher divine Self we tend to be unconscious of. I truly desire for all to awaken to the love-light within each of us and pass it on to enlighten others that appear in the dark. We are the lights of the world. Keep on shining the way!
Namaste – Rev. Rhoni