Bucket Lists by Janet Salese

Let us feel that our purposes are animated and inspired from on high and then let us go forth and make our dream come true in human experience. With an invisible Intelligence to guide, and an Invisible Law to direct, let us take our place in any legitimate activity, and thus cause our dreams to come to full fruition. (Science of Mind 477.3)

Do you have a bucket list? A bucket list consists of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime before they “kick the bucket.” These can be anything from learning a new language, reading all of Ernest Holmes books, going on safari, walking every labyrinth in Tucson, etc. The list is endless!

I don’t have an actual physical list but there are certain things I desire to do/see/experience and about 5 years ago I started working on accomplishing these. The first item was helping to build a Rose Parade float which I did with my niece and her kiddos in 2019. This year I’ll be crossing two items off my list, experiencing a total solar eclipse back in April and next week seeing the aurora borealis in Alaska. And Mike got to cross off playing the floating green at the Coeur d’Alene Resort Golf Course this summer. With each accomplishment, we not only fulfill our personal desires but also contribute to the grand tapestry of Life.

As we complete one item we replace it with the next one. Where do these yearnings come from? Where all inspiration comes from: Infinite Spirit wanting to express itself through and as us. The creation and pursuit of a bucket list can be seen as a way of engaging with the divine inspiration that motivates us. This inspiration comes from the Spirit within us, urging us to seek these experiences. By setting intentions and making plans to achieve these goals, we are participating in the larger cosmic dance called Life.

What is Spirit wanting to experience as you? What is on or do you add to your bucket list? And then, what is your plan to accomplish what is on your list? Trust in the invisible support that surrounds us and move forward with confidence and joy. As we continue to add to our lists and strive to complete them, let us celebrate the growth and transformation that each experience brings.

Man is a threefold principle of life and action; (s)he is spirit, soul and body. From the Spirit (s)he receives inspiration and guidance; in the soul (s)he finds a perfect Law of life; and through the body (s)he proves that (s)he is a real individualization of the Invisible Principle. (Science of Mind 477.1)

–Janet Salese