Immaculate Toilet – Sacred Habit

CSL’s theme for the month of June is Embracing Self Care and the supporting book is Thomas Moore’s Care of the Soul, A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life. As I was flipping through the pages, looking for inspiration, these words jumped out at me, “immaculate bathroom.”

I recently watched a YouTube video by Samurai Matcha (S.M.), titled 8 Simple Japanese Habits That Will Change Your Life. The first habit was clean the toilet, and he cites several reasons why this is a habit we should cultivate.

First, S.M. says cleaning the toilet will make your life successful. He names several CEOs of large Japanese corporations that clean their own toilets and claim their toilet cleaning habit is one of the keys to their success. Having a clean toilet is believed to be good Feng Shui, and they even have a toilet god who is said to bring the gift of economic success. Cleaning the toilet can be a highly sacred task.

The second reason to clean the toilet is it keeps one humble. One of the CEOs started cleaning the office toilets when he began his business and it is said that even now, after building a successful brand, he continues the practice. One cannot think themselves better than others when they’re on their knees cleaning a toilet!

The third reason is it helps to organize the room. S.M. says when we clean the toilet regularly, we begin to notice other things that could use cleaning. Since watching the video, I have incorporated cleaning my toilet, sink, shower or mirror on an almost daily basis (I’m still perfecting the habit).

In talking about a clean home in relation to our soul’s care Thomas Moore says, “there are gods of the house, and our daily work is a way of acknowledging these home spirits that are important in sustaining our lives. To them, a scrub brush is a sacramental object, and when we use this implement with care we are giving something to the soul. In this sense, cleaning the bathroom is a form of therapy because there is a correspondence between the actual room and a certain chamber in the heart” (pg 179).

As we explore the many aspects of embracing self care this month, I invite you to take a look around your home and work space. Is there a closet or drawer that could use some decluttering? Is there a space in your home that could use a good cleaning? Would it be fun to rearrange some furniture? When you do simple tasks such as washing dishes or cleaning toilets, are you being mindful in your work and giving it the sacred attention it deserves?

In embracing your self care this month, take some time to honor and care for your environment. Embrace the sacredness of the simple act of cleaning a toilet.

–Sharon Whealy, RScP