Welcoming and Embracing Change within the CSLT Community by Rev. Rhoni Tretsven
“Behold, I make all things new.” There is nothing permanent but change and the infinite intelligence can never be caught in anything It does. (How to Use the Science of Mind, 1948)
As Dr. Holmes points out, change will always occur whether we are ready or not, it will always be a constant in human existence. In the next 6 weeks CSLT will be stepping into an experience of being a different spiritual community. After 20 plus years of being renters and wandering like nomads through the desert of temporary homes, we will be putting down roots at 3617 Camino Blanco, Tucson. We, unlike Moses, will cross over into the promised land near the cross streets of River and Craycroft. We did it everyone and thank you all for supporting this move into a very bright and growing future.
In January of this year, I was chosen as your Spiritual Leader, and I was, and I still am excited to lead us all on not just a spiritual journey but one that will have a foundation. A foundation is important to build upon, it’s not just about the potlucks, holidays, special groups, plus other experiences as a community. It is about being a “family.” It isn’t just about Sunday’s either, it’s about every day. In Religious Science Aka Science of Mind, “We believe in the unity of all life, and that the highest god and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling presence.” Part of our foundation as a spiritual family is knowing that wherever we are God is. What I hope will emerge as we gather in our new home is we will see new ways and opportunities of gathering, as in forming groups of common interest. We will have time to have special events and celebrate the holidays. There is so much more, but I know it is all Divine time.
As the week of December 16 gets closer, we will be packing and organizing our education office as we start our journey North. As I reflect on the last 11 months with all of you, my heart is filled with gratitude and great love. Who knew (except God) we would have this opportunity to expand in love as a spiritual community. I am truly grateful for the conversations Dr. Jonathan Zenz and William Summers, and I have had these last 6 mos. What has impacted me the most is the outpouring of love from the Unity community to assist us in creating this opportunity. I must be honest, Unity has “bent over backward” and done a few flips in the air to welcome us. Dr. Jonathan and I are very secure that our two communities will remain individual but come together for special occasions or work together for the common good of the property. As I see it, we are, two wings, one bird coming together as metaphysical/new thought communities. We will certainly be a beacon of light on a hill here in Tucson. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, I will be glad to talk with you. Please know, I love you all so very much and thank you for being the Possibilitarians you truly are, creating this and so much more.
~Namaste, Rev. Rhoni