Thinking and Singing about Love by Maria

The end of my term on the board is up this week. Wow, how far we’ve come and knowing the best is yet to be.

My last article is going to be a love play list. Thoughts and songs that get me “in the mood” for Love (that’s capital Love.)

Love dissolves all fear, casts out all doubt and sets the captives free.

Love, like the River of Life flows through me and refreshes me with its eternal blessings.

Love cannot be afraid; it is fearless and strong, and is mighty in its works.

It can accomplish all things through the Inner Light of faith in the All Good,

Which fills my very Being with a Powerful Presence.

Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 522

One of the great designs of life is that humans can only think one thought at a time. It is possible to quickly switch back and forth between thoughts, but only one thought can happen at a time. Whenever I am sliding into fear and doubt, I can sing myself back to love. Another great design! sound/music (mechanical waves created when “chunks of matter” vibrate) and hearing (which is too complicated to describe between parenthesis).

This is a love song I can imagine God playfully singing to me.

Do you want to know a Secret 

You’ll never know how much I really love you
You’ll never know how much I really care

Do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Whoa, oh, oh

Let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear
I’m in love with you
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh…

The Beatles were so New Thought.

The second song is like the first part of a Spiritual Mind Treatment, with a gospel beginning which raises my joy. I Walk in the Love Of God by Rickie Byars.

There is a Power, a Presence, One Life of all

and no other power can exist outside of the Infinite

One Love, (there can only be) God’s Love

Oh yes I know that I walk in the Love of God.

 The last song is my present theme song. It was written by John Denver and never released on an album. It’s called Wandering Soul.

Suddenly the mystery is clear
That Love is only Letting Go Of Fear

Love is the answer, love is the way
Love is in knowing just what to do and what to say
Love is the reason, love is the why
Love is in heaven right here on Earth and peace inside

Inside my heart, deep in my soul
Within each part and in the whole

Love is the answer, love is the way
Love is in knowing just what to do and what to say
Love is the reason, love is the why
Love is in heaven right here on Earth and peace inside

–In love and light, Maria