Peace be Unto Thee, Stranger by Sharon Whealy, RScP

Peace be unto thee, stranger, enter and be not afraid. I have left the gate open and thou art welcome in my home. There is room in my house for all. I have swept the hearth and lighted the fire. The room is warm and cheerful, and you will find comfort and rest within The table is laid, and the fruits of Life are spread before thee. The wine is here also, it sparkles in the light. I have set a chair for you where the sunbeams dance through the shade. Sit and rest and refresh your soul. Eat of the fruit and drink of the wine. All, all is yours, and you are welcome. Ernest Holmes

This invitation is found on the dedication page of The Science of Mind. Years ago, when I “discovered” the welcome, I printed and framed it. It currently hangs on my refrigerator, as a reminder that Spirit is always home, the table is laid with the abundance of the Universe, and that I am always welcome. All I need do is accept the invitation.

I also read this on a human level – is my gate open, am I welcoming, is there room for all? Am I sharing my abundance and making my home a place of renewal, so that our souls may be refreshed? Or am I guarded, protecting what’s “mine”? How often do I close myself off to those who might make me uncomfortable?

When we celebrate Christmas, we celebrate the love, the light, and the peace of the season and I often hear reminders that this Love, Light, and Peace is available year-round. Can we hold compassion in our hearts and minds for everyone, regardless of if they look, believe, or celebrate as we do?

This year, Hanukkah is December 25 through January 2nd. This eight-day celebration honors the miracle of abundance and never-ending light. God is always with us, providing what we need, without hesitation or limitation.

Kwanza, the African American celebration of family, community, and connection, is celebrated December 25 through January 1st this year. As we honor this tradition, this year can we be inclusive in our definition of family, can we expand our community? Let us celebrate the connection we have with one another.

This is my holiday blessing for the season and the year to come,
May we welcome the stranger with open hearts and minds.
May we be the Love and Peace of the season, allowing it to radiate into the world.
May we honor the Light that dwells within each one of us, and express gratitude for the neverending flow of good.
May we celebrate the connection of family and community as a reminder we are never alone.
May we be blessed with knowing all is well, and all will be well.
God is Good, all the time!

–Sharon Whealy, RScP