Remembering Jasper by Sharon Whealy, RScP

Jasper came to live with me in June/July of 2015. Before leaving Sonoma County for my new Bakersfield home, I thought that, while I would sure like a dog, my cat Maggie could use a cat companion. I knew I would be busy with school and creating my new life, and I’ve always had two cats so they could keep each other company.

Within the first month of living in Bakersfield, my neighbors were moving and had to leave “Cheeto” behind. They were happy he was making himself welcome in my home, and that I was happy to have him. The name Cheeto had to go, and I spent some time asking him what his new name was. In time, the name Jasper came to me. I looked up the meaning and found Jasper is a gift and the name of the fourth magi mentioned in some traditions.

Jasper was the companion for Maggie I had hoped for. They spent time together, often sleeping near each other, and Jasper loved to clean Maggie. She, however, never gave him a cleaning. Jasper didn’t purr much, and I learned that some cats – those lacking nurturing in their kittenhood – don’t purr. It was always a joy when he was content enough to relax into a quiet purr. In general, he was a quiet cat, which I suppose is good for hunting. Something he was VERY good at. When Charlie (that dog I had asked for way back when) came into our family, Jasper welcomed him with a slap on the nose – I’m the cat and you are the pup, know your place!

In October Jasper began losing weight and I knew something was going wrong. Having had many cats before him, it looked like his kidneys were failing. In November the diagnosis was confirmed. The Doctor recommended a prescription diet which helped for several weeks, but eventually, he lost interest in that as well. I began moving into acceptance and asking how I could best serve him, and not push my agenda (please, eat something).

This past week, Jasper would make appearances, then go off to whatever quiet place he found to prepare for his transition. I asked him daily what I could do to help, if anything. I practiced listening with my heart. On Monday, Jan 5, I reached out to our prayer team for support for Jasper and myself; asking for his peaceful transition, guidance if I was to help facilitate that, and clarity about his remains, all while I held it gently with love.

Our prayer team all said yes, you are in our prayers and Rev. Rhoni sent this lovely prayer:

Oh Mr. Jasper kitty, I am knowing your peaceful transition from this physical world to the next beautiful incarnation, to simply breathe in and step out of that furry body that houses a purrrfect soul. I know you will let your mama Sharon knows when it is time, whether it is facilitated, or you simply sleep peacefully releasing and letting go. And as you let go, you will allow her to know what to do with the body that you no longer occupy. I understand this to be a loving transitional experience for you and mama Sharon. I am grateful for the time you have shared with her, and know you are truly loved. Thank you, Jasper, for all that you are, and all that you will continue to do as an infinite soul. In gratitude and love, Rev. Rhoni

I sat with Jasper as we read the prayer together, he nosed the paper a few times as we shared our love, knowing the time for goodbyes was growing short. The last time I saw Jasper was Thursday morning, January 9th. I know in my heart he has gone, and that he went peacefully on his timing and his terms.

After mentioning his transition in service Sunday, I am grateful to those who offered their condolences. I am thankful for the opportunity to sit and pray with a friend whose cat Franklin is beginning his transition. When she asked what she could do for him, I suggested sitting with him and listening deeply with her heart, he would tell her what he needs as his time with her grows short. I also sat for a few minutes with Rev. Dr. Jonathan as his beloved cat, Cardiff, made his transition last Tuesday.

When I mentioned writing about Jasper to Rev. Rhoni she gave me her blessing and suggested we create an animal ministry to support our members and their pets, and I joyfully said YES! Rev. Dr. Jonathan said, we turn our pain into our ministry. Please let us know how we can support you and your beloved companions.

In my grief, I am grateful for Jasper being a part of our family for the last ten years. Deep grief comes from deep love.

Goodbye, Jasper Buddy, you are missed. We love you.

Jasper is survived by his sister Maggie, my mom’s cat Sam, and of course, Charlie the dog.

–Sharon Whealy, RScP