Changes and what’s to come of it all.

I’ve read that change is difficult for some people. I’ve read and observed people claiming to want change in their lives, however, some seem to want others to change so they avoid looking at themselves and making changes. It’s like grumbling at the driver in front of you in traffic. In attempting to change others, some find themselves very frustrated and emotionally charged over the changes occurring, meaning they’re not responding in a healthy way toward encouraging change, changing changes or managing change etc. Confused? Me too.

The reality I know is that we must continue to change in order to survive and thrive. This is true of CSL as well as the individual souls who attend. In my time here, I’ve seen change and it made so much difference to my wife, DeeAnn Saber, and to me that we joined this community even when we were initially skeptical about becoming members (ask me about this story I’m happy to share). Honestly, I have found that when I’m involved in asking for what I want and in acting on what I believe is good, I’ve seen improvements and changes that make a huge difference in my life and here at CSLT. It’s happening all around us. This stuff we believe does work and I’m here to say so.

For example right now, looking at change we need to realize what we have to work with here at CSLT:

  1. We have a team working toward assisting in finding out what congregants REALLY want by creating a survey that will allow each of you to have input (Community Development Envisioning Team)
  2. We have a team that is searching for a new location that would provide us with a permanent home, class rooms, space for a children’s program etc… (Facilities Team)
  3. We have a team working toward feeling, seeing and guiding us toward our highest good (thank you to each of you for holding this space for us) called the Visioning Core
  4. We have a team called Altared States that creates beauty on our Altar each week and is trying to bring other groups together to unite for a commonality; loving and welcoming each other as well as newcomers
  5. We have a team that greets you each Sunday morning (the Ushers) providing that Sundays’ Program
  6. We have a team (the Music Core) that brings us music, talent, laughter, dance!
  7. We have a team that attempts to assist you, contact you, bring you food when you need compassion and help (Compassionate Heart)
  8. We have a team making the fellowship hall pretty and bringing supplies needed so that after services you can sit and visit comfortably (Hospitality)
  9. We have a team providing books and learning materials (Bookstore Team).
  10. We have a marvelous group of Practitioners who are also guiding the spiritual center of our community and each of you – our members.

We have more teams too which I haven’t mentioned. Each and every team is working towards teaching, change, healing and being supportive.

There is a way for every one of us to participate in supporting our spiritual community – join one of these groups. Know that each group/team contributes to CSLT’s overall well-being even while making changes.

I want to continue to champion more changes – and if nay sayers exist to a planned change, I to ask them to suspend grumbling, ask for more information if there might not be enough and to remember this:

I believe, trusting that the love and the compassion we exchange is real. Have faith in the fact that affirmative prayer and treatment DO work, all the time. Maybe it doesn’t always look like we thought it would but it does indeed work. Trust that your Board of Trustees truly opens, works within and completes each session focusing only on the highest and best outcome for us all.

Change is going to occur with or without your acceptance, in spite of you, because of you, for you, from you. Remember, you’ve been changing all your life. It’s not stopping now. You can choose to be positive and open where you’ll find it’s far easier to digest, guide and appreciate. Or not.

In closing, changes are not about stepping on anyone’s toes. It’s not about wanting to bypass individuals. It’s not about deliberately overlooking anyone. It IS about moving forward to see what’s available, what’s possible, what’s not being considered, what’s limiting, what’s another option. We must be willing to explore openly knowing final results will ONLY occur if it’s truly in the best and highest interest of our congregation.

So, knowing BIG CHANGE, that which we’ve experienced already and knowing that we will have MORE to come; as a spiritual community I look forward to us coming together without coming apart in the process.

I welcome the support I know we feel and share and will continue to show for each other.

Zach Saber
CSLT Board Member

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